--------------configurar madvr en mphc

originally made this based on nand's guide, but after he stopped updating it I felt the necessity of a updated one. I've written most of this from scratch by getting important tips and information from other guides as well. I will usually update weekly as long there's a new component available.


  • Changed: Screenshots have been updated again.
  • Changed: Minor typos and added a few tips and explanations along the way.
  • Updated: LAV filters (0.56.2), madVR chart (v0.3), ReClock (, JanWillem32 build (rev 7100).

The last update was on 04/24/2013.

Ctrl + F is your friend. You can also download the image file for future reference.

Why should I use this guide?

Maximum quality.
This guide uses madVR with custom scaling algorithms to make sure you're getting the best video quality possible.

Maximum performance.
It will make sure you're using your hardware to your full potential as well.

Maximum compatibility.
Thanks to LAV filters wide support of containers, the guide will make sure you can play just about anything.

Step 0: Before we start...

Uninstall ALL instances of MPC-HC, CCCP, ffdshow, madVR, Haali, K-lite, CoreAVC etc. you might have on your system. This is a clean guide that requires no other prerequisites to function, and ideally should have none installed either. This will also help avoid any conflicts between previous installations.


This is for reference of your hardware only. They're not absolute, so don't use it as your shopping guide.

I will give support for Windows 7 and 8 users only. Anything else like Vista or XP is not my problem.

The easy way - KCP

Not everyone like to deal with too many options. If you want something that works, but don't want to give in to codec packs such as CCCP, K-lite, etc. Then you should use KCP instead. You can check out the official forum thread for more information regarding the topic and the download link. The pack comes with:

  • The standard of this guide. MPC-HC lite, LAV filters, madVR and xy-VSFilter.
  • 5 Presets. Lowest to Highest to match madVR scaling algorithms for performance vs quality.
  • Easy interface. KCP settings will give you quick access to filters configuration.

Remember you can help the development with feedback too! If you're too lazy to register and say something, just send it to me instead (PM pls) and I'll tell the devs in your stand.

Step 1: Downloading the Apps

Note: Make sure you download the 32-bit instances of all the apps below. madVR doesn't support 64-bit.


MPC-HC alternatives.

MPC-BE has a more modern visual than MPC-HC, while JanWillem32's builds are for those who want sharp subtitles with upscaled content, eg. 720p on a 1080p screen. The ffdshow audio processor will be useful to downmix channels (e.g 5.1 to stereo) with FLAC files while using madFlac. ReClock will give you a less jittery audio, adapting media for more smooth playback (e.g 23.976 > 24.000). Every step with optional tag in it means it's from an optional filter, which means you can skip if you didn't installed those.

Protip: You can use x86 AVX instead if you have Windows 7 with SP1 (or ahead) and a compatible CPU. A full list of CPUs with AVX support can be found here.

Step 2: Installation

1. Install MPC-HC lite.

2. Install LAV filters. Make sure to install only the x86 ones like shown below.

3. Skip this step if you don't match Minimum requirements.

Make sure you're logged in as Administrator or "Run as Admin" before installing. Extract madVR somewhere sensible before installing it. Like your programs folder. Run the "install.bat" inside the folder and do not delete the extracted folder afterwards, madVR depends on it to keep working.

Note: If you want to update madVR, just extract the new folder and overwrite the files of the old one.

4. Install madFlac. Do it in the same way you did with madVR. (optional)

5. Install ffdshow Audio Processor. Uncheck all the boxes you can uncheck in the installer. (optional)

6. Install xy-VSFilter. "Next" like there's no tomorrow. You can skip this if you're going to use VSFilter of JanWillem32 build.

7. Install ReClock. Uncheck everything but "Program Files" and "Install DSound / Wave support". (optional)

Step 3: MPC-HC Configuration

1. Open MPC-HC's Options Menu and in "Playback" disable "Auto-load subtitles". Otherwise you won't be able to use xy-VSFilter.

2. Under "Output" in "DirectShow Video", select "madVR" and if you're going to use ReClock, set it here as default audio renderer.

Note: If you skipped madVR, or you're experiencing frame drops and poor performance in general, set this to "EVR Custom Pres."

3. Under "External filters" > "Add filter" > "ffdshow Audio Processor" and set it to "Prefer". (optional)

Protip: If you're going to use JanWillem32's build, make sure everything in internal filters is disabled.

Step 4: Filters Configuration


1. Restart MPC-HC and play back any file. You should notice the madVR icon in the system tray, time to use it. Right click on it and click "Edit madVR Settings" to access the next window. Remember you can also turn off madVR icon in the system tray if you don't like it.

2. This is still in tests and it's not really safe to use in some hardware. Under "rendering" > "smooth notion" you can enable it for a much more smooth playback without judder. Especially noticeable with 24p in monitors with 60Hz. It has some downsides too, unfortunately.

There will be a slightly decrease in video sharpness (your eyes are your judge).
Increase in GPU usage. If you have dropped frames when using it, you should disable it or tune your madVR settings manually.

3. Under "scaling algorithms", select the one that fits you best. I made this graph based on a "performance x quality" range of your hardware. Use Lowest and Low for Minimum, Mid and High for Preferred and Highest for Recommended.

AR = Anti-ringing, LL = Linear Light.

4. Under "rendering" > "general settings" disable the "fullscreen exclusive mode". I recommend leaving this off unless you are having playback problems, it also messes up MPC-HC's interface.

Protip: If you have issues with smooth motion, disable "use a separate device for presentation" and restart playback. It's likely to fix it.

LAV Audio Decoder

Go to filters list again and click on "LAV Audio decoder", in the tab "Formats" search for "flac" and disable it. This way madFlac will be used instead. (optional)


1. Make sure all boxes in "Audio Settings" are unchecked since we don't need them. In "Sound pre-buffer", choose anything from 100ms ahead. This will cause a "cut" effect in audio at price of more stability. Usually 100ms will do, but if you get hiccups, keep adding more 25ms until you get to a sweet spot. In "Format" > "24 bit int padded to 32" and "Quality" > "Best Sync Interpolation".

2. This time, all the boxes in "Video Settings" should be checked, we need them. Adjust "Assumed frame rate when not found" to your liking. I usually watch 24p content over anything else so that one is my preference.

3. Set everything in "Advanced Settings" make sure everything in "VSYNC Correction" is unchecked. Hit the "OK" and play any video on MPC-HC.

Protip: Enabling the option "Give high priority to CPU player" will increase performance and make sure ReClock won't hiccup with low ms. You can also do this by going in MPC-HC's "Player" Menu and checking "Process priority above normal".

4. Go to the filters list through right-click and click on "ReClock Audio Renderer". In the following window make sure all the boxes are unchecked. You can lock the logic if you want but it doesn't really seem to make any difference as far as I know.

ffdshow Audio Processor

With MPC-HC still open, go to "filters" list and click on the audio processor, you'll see a range of options available. The mixer is what we want though. Select "Mixer" then choose the channel you wish to downmix to (e.g 6.1 to 2.0 stereo).


If you want to use DXVA2 for decoding, just go to LAV Video Decoder Options through the Start Menu icon or "Filters" list. Also, hardware acceleration is not compatible with 10-bit videos, you probably already know that.

Select the best fit for you based on the following criteria.

  • CUVID for NVidia GPUs.
  • DXVA2 (copy-back) for AMD or older/others GPU brands.
  • QuickSync for Sandy Bridge architecture or newer.

Note: You must have a CPU SSE 4.1 capable and Windows 7 SP1 or ahead to be able to use (copy-back).

Protip: Smooth motion usually has issues with DXVA, so use it with caution.

Step 5: Confirmation

1. Play any 10/8-bit .mkv file and use Ctrl+J to enter the OSD. If it doesn't show up or looks different, double check output configuration.

Note: It's okay to drop a few frames at the start of the video, seeking and switching between fullscreen and windowed mode. Just make sure it doesn't drop or delay anything in constant playback.

2. Finally, check the "Filters" list (in the right click menu of MPC-HC during playback). It doesn't need to look exactly like the image below, just make sure the filters you installed are being used in their respective situations.


Say thanks if it worked so this guide can gain credibility. Any positive/negative comments or suggestions are welcome as long they're polite. Guide originally inspired by Ryuumaru. Mostly based on nand’s original research and Google, and updated by Niyawa.
Modified by Niyawa, 04-23-13, 8:17 PM
de  http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=516729


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